“I have worked in the pediatric rehabilitation field for 12+ years and seen the work of many clinicians. Cheryl’s natural ability and knowledge makes her the most successful speech therapist with some of the most difficult cases I’ve seen. She listens to the families; she understands her patients; she’s organized and easy to work with. She is truly one of the best!!!”
Michelle, Rehabilitation Admin
“Cheryl and I have professionally collaborated for an excess of fifteen years. I have found Cheryl to be consistently imaginative and creative within the boundaries of Speech Pathology. She is incredibly skilled and comfortable, accommodating and customizing each individual experience. Her “out of the box” approach, assures that each individual she works with will get an experience that is fun and beneficial to their whole life experience. Professionally, her willingness to collaborate with teams of professionals is heartfelt. She looks to create the greatest opportunity for progress and makes the journey one of trust and confidence. Her focus on the child and family working towards the best possible outcomes.”
-Lynn Houle, RDI Trained
“Cheryl develops an outstanding rapport with each of her clients and analyzes each one to develop their own unique therapy plan. She is a wealth of knowledge, particularly regarding nonverbal clients with Autism. She has been a source of support and guidance.”
Amanda, Speech-Language Pathologist
“I would highly recommend Cheryl as a speech pathologist for any child. Her practical, down-to-earth approach creates an optimal learning environment, so that each child both continually expands new skills and gets the just-right amount of support needed to be successful. Cheryl has a keen eye for picking out the core areas of difficulty for each child. She then works with families to create a highly detailed road map towards improved communication and interaction. Cheryl equips parents and caregivers with the skills to use everyday activities to transform their children’s ability to interact with the world. I have known Cheryl for eleven years, and I have always been touched by how hard she works to help each of the children in her care.”
Lynne, Speech-Language Pathologist

“I have been working with Cheryl Thompson…she is the best SLP therapist in the Seattle area…when I first met her, my son was almost 5 years old and he was very wild. Tantrums, pushing and punching, non-verbal, withdrawn, conservative, living his own routines and rules…with Cheryl, step by step she conquered his heart…results and progress have been seen by everyone who knows my boy. Just in 2- or 3-months tantrums were gone, than punching and pushing disappeared, now he is almost six and he can say by words when he doesn’t want or doesn’t like something. He is so talkative now…He is a completely different child…I couldn’t get this result without Cheryl, without her loving heart, indefinite patience, and dedication. I admire her excellent interpersonal skills, sensitivity to patient needs, creative problem-solving skills and most importantly, her ability to think outside of the box. I wish every child who needs therapy could get her help!”
Alla, Parent